September 16, 2016

SacconeJoly Gender Reveal ***Spoilers***

Today's SacconeJolys video has to be one of the sweetest/cutest vlogs we've ever seen from them!
After taking a harmony test, which is a blood test done on the mother to determine the sex of the baby, they received the call letting them know if they're having a boy or a girl.

As it's Anna that is pregnant they notified her, Jonathon wasn't sure if he wanted her to tell him or do a reveal, but they opted to have a reveal for the kids. Anna was so emotional after finding out, but was told it was normal, though she had stated a few times that she had no preference.

Jonathon was quite happy with the news, and you could tell this couple was simply overjoyed at the news!

Finally they put balloons in a box for the kids to open, pink for a girl and blue for a boy, as you can see from the picture above IT'S A GIRL!!!!
We are so happy for them, and cannot wait to meet the newest member of their family.

We would highly recommend watching today's vlog, but do not skip ahead, watch from start to finish to get the full effect!

Tweet Anna and Jonathan your congratulations!


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